

Awards & Recognition
Various competitions I've placed in, plus a few other places my work's shown up.

Astral Claws (Space Marine) Captain (Bartertown, 2012 Best in show)
Blood Angels (Space Hulk) Dead Terminator Captain (CoolMiniOrNot: 2014 Annual)
Coppellius (Wyrd: Rotten Harvest 2013, 1st pl. Monster)
Dreamer (Wyrd: Rotten Harvest 2015, 2nd pl. Mage)
Mr. Graves (Wyrd: Frozen Moments 2015, 1st pl. misc)
Golden Eyed King (Kingdom Death Phoenix) (Wyrd: Rotten Harvest, 2015 1st pl. Monster)
(Chaos Space Marine) Helldrake (CoolMiniOrNot: 2014 Annual)
I Go Walking After Midnight (Voodoo crew) (Wyrd: frozen Moments 2015, 1st. pl. group)
Jealousy (Weaver Widow & Mannequin) (Wyrd: Rotten Harvest 2013, 1st pl. Diorama, Best base, Best in show)
(Nightmare Edition) Lord Chompy Bits (Dakka Dakka: 2012 Best in show; CoolMiniOrNot: 2013 Annual)

Studio Painting
Freelance work done for studios.

Garage Gaming ("Code Zero" setting): Anazi Scouts
Deadsculpt (bust & 54mm "Ater" display line): KoorgIgnava, InanisLascivia, Pavor
Erebus ("Veil Fall" setting): Death Guard

Personal Collection
While I'm not illustrating comics, studying, or working on your commissions, I occasionally find time for painting my own minis, too.

Note that, if there's something you like here, I'd be happy to reproduce a piece for you, and may be able to tell you how I did it (if I'm able to remember).

Collections marked with asterisks (*) are specifically for sale (** are sold). If you'd like a collection I haven't marked as for sale, I may be willing to part with it, and will definitely be willing to reproduce the paint job.

Note on categories: Board Games and miniature games have pretty much blurred in recent years, but I'm generally using the rule of thumb that I'll list it as a board game if it tends towards fixed scenarios and is played on a board. Kingdom Death is the notable exception due to the sprawling format and emphasis on customization... honestly, this is just a subjective decision.

Miniature Games
Arena Rex
Ludus Magnus: Urbicus, Lupa, Hermes
Zephyri: Vargr, Frigge, Bjarrhvit
Beasts: Leo

The Batman Miniatures Game

Dark Souls
See Board Games

Deathwatch: Overkill
See Board Games

Minions Part 1, Gatormen
Trollbloods (parts 4+ incl. battle reports): Part 1, Part 2Part 3, Part 4 (incl group shot)  Part 4.5 (minions), Part 5

-Corregidor: Alguacils & Brigada
-Generic: Spektr

-Military Order: Fusiliers

Kingdom Death
Key: C=core; 1=1st KS major expansions; P=minor expansions and promos
[this section is still a little disorganized, as I'm in the middle of changing the format]

Core Group Shot

Quarry collections
Node 1: White Lion (C), Gorm (1)
Node 2: Screaming Antelope (C), Spidicules (1) Sunstalker (1)
Node 4: Lion God (1)

Phoenix (C), Dragon King (1)

Nemesis collections
Lonely Tree (1), Lion Knight (1, incl hybrid armor), Tyrant (1),

ButcherThe HandKing's ManManhunter

WatcherRetinueDragon KingGold Smoke Knight

Survivor collections (i.e. sets not associated with particular monsters or campaigns)
Starting Survivors, Berserk homages

Minor Expansions
False MessengersKara Black & Silver Antelope

Misc. Survivors
1st heroes, Rawhide Archer, Bone Earrings, Twilight Knight, Leather armor, People of the StarsWarlord Armor modification, Link & Zelda homages; AlisonMessenger of the First Story (Chrono Trigger Ayla), Holiday White Speaker, Adam & Anna,  (Sedition Wars crossover), Candy & Cola (Soda Pop crossover), Messenger of the Spiral Path (Gurren Lagann Kamina),  Aya & Beyond the Wall**, White Speaker & Snow the Savior, Messenger of Courage (LoZ Link); SaviorGreat Game Hunter, Twilight Knight, Rawhide Dame + Forsaker, Dragon Sacrifice, Silk Assassin, Twilight Witch

Terrain (plaster casting)
first castings, bases & column castings

-Rasputina Crew**
-Mei Feng Crew: Mei & totem, Kang & Rail WorkersGamin & Soulstone Miner, Rail Golem

-Dead Justice (see Resurrectionists)
-Justice Crew
-Lucius: Core Crew, Mimics

-Ortega Crew: Perdita, Niño, Francisco, Nephilim
-Sonnia Criid**: Core crew & Avatar, re-done Witchlings + Sam

-Dreamer crew: (NE) Lord Chompy Bits, Weaver Widow, Coppellius & Daydreams, Dreamer
-Lucius crew (see Guild)
-Lynch: Core crew, Mimics, Tannen & Graves
-Pandora Crew: Sorrows
-Zoraida crew (see Gremlins)

-Seamus Crew
-McMourning/Body Snatchers Crew **
-Kirai Crew*
-Misc. Western: Dead Justice, Punk Zombie etc., Forgotten Marshal + Bête Noire
-Tara Crew (see Outcasts)

-Tara: continuing crew pics and tactics article(NE) Nothing Beast(NE) Core crew + Dead Marshals, Revised Karina, Hannah conversion, Friekorps Librarian conversion, (also see Misc. Western Ressers)
-Viktorias crew **
-Friekorps: Strongarm
-misc. mercs: Johan, Sue + some gunslingers (redone), Montresor,

-Zoraida & co.
-Easter pieces (Slop Hauler, Rooster Rider)

Ten Thunders
-Lynch Crew (see Neverborn)
-Mei Feng Crew (see Arcanists)

-Modular sewer board: WIP 1, WIP 2
-Hanging Tree

Space Hulk
See Board Games

Warhammer 40,000
Astral Claws (also see Red Corsairs, Tyrant's Legion and Tiger Claws) 
HQ: Corien Sumatris, Armenneus Valthexcaptain, Carnac Commodus, Lieutenant,
Elites: Command Squad (vets, Apothecary, Ancient/Standard, Champion), Assault Terminators, Mortis Dreadnought
Troops: Tactical Squads 1 & 2, Sniper Scouts
Transports: Drop Pod, Rhinos + Razorbacks
Fast: Bike Squad, Storm Talon
Heavy Support: 2nd ed Predator, Devastators

Blood Angels/Lamenters
Blood Angels Terminators (see Space Hulk)
Lamenters: test assault marine

Misc. Chaos (also see Blackstone Fortress)
Chaos Daemons: Herald of Khorne
Cypher & the Fallen Angels: test miniDark Angels test mini
Death Guard: test mini
Tzeentch non-marines (see Silver Tower)
Night Lords (see Night Lords)

Death Korps of Krieg
(See Imperial Guard)

(See Deathwatch: Overkill)

Genestealer Cult
(See Deathwatch: Overkill)

Misc. Imperial (also see Blackstone Fortress)
Assassins: Vindicare

Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum/Tyrant's Legion
Elites: Commissar
Troops: Infantry SquadStorm Trooper test

Night Lords
HQ: Terminator Lord
Troops: test miniCSM squads 1 & 2, Chaos Cultists
Fast: Raptors
Transports: Rhino
Heavy: Obliterators, Helbrute/Dreadnought

Red Corsairs (also see Astral Claws)
Huron Blackheart

Tiger Claws (Rogue Trader minis only)**
HQ: Company Champion/CaptainMaster of the Forge
Elites: Sternguard
Troops: Tactical
Heavy: Devastators

Genestealers (see Space Hulk), Genestealer Cult (see Deathwatch: Overkill)

Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar
Daemons of Chaos
(see Misc. Chaos)

(Also see Silver Tower, below)

Warhammer Quest
See Board Games

Cygnar (with commentary)
-Full Gallery (without commentary)
-Butcher & MoW's, Sorscha & Greylords, Vlad & Iron Fangs
-Widowmakers, Manhunter, Juggernaut
Mercenaries & Minions:
-Magnus painting blog Parts 12345, 6, 7
-Magnus theme list pics & tactics (collected/continuing)
-Alexia Ciannor + Risen*
Protectorate of Menoth:
-army **

Board Games
Dark Souls
Basic Baddies: Hollows (Soldier, Large, Crossbow), Silver Knights
Player Characters: core (Assassin, Herald, Knight, Warrior)
Mini-bosses: Gargoyle, Titanite Demon

Deathwatch: Overkill
Genestealer Cult
Color Test, Aberrants, Magus and Acolytes

Killteam Cassius
Ultra Marines, Dark Angel + Blood Angel, Salamander + Iron Hand

Starting Classes
Spellweaver, Cragheart & Mindthief, Scoundrel, Brute, Tinkerer + summons

Added classes
Sun, Lightning

Note: In respecting the Gloomhaven broader community, I describe non-core classes obliquely, though the class names are searchable.

Kingdom Death
See Miniature Games

Baddies: Crawlers, Orcs, Yardu
Heroes: Apprentice, ArcherBrigand, Soldier, Acolyte

Puppet Wars**
Arcanists: complete set
Resurrectionists: complete set (and reshot on black), original paint job

Sedition Wars
Vanguard: test modelmain box infantry, Corpsman Vade, Operator Nama, Incinerator Vade & Damaged AkoshaCmdr.s Kara Black, BarkerOpticamo VanguardNikitta, Sgt. Ramirez, Strategic Points, Aphid Loader Barker & repainted Samaritans
Strain: test model, main box infantry, GrendlrCthonian, display Grendlr, Strategic points & Bone Crabs, Cthonian Assault Drone, display Cthonian
Firebrand: Niven Banks, Alt. Vokker dargu & Jade Lily
Independents: Dr. Ridley, Dr. PhaedrusKeegan Kor
Terrain: Scratch built tram
Misc. SMV minis: Jetgirl, Survivor kara Black & Grendlr (Kingdom Death crossover)

Space Hulk
Blood Angels: Dead Captain, Squad 1 (1st half & C.A.T., 2nd half/full), Squad 2 (1st half, 2nd half/full), Librarian & Lightning Claws
Gene Stealers: complete set and Brood Lord

Super Dungeon Explore
Deeproot Scout (Wind Waker Link)

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower
Complete Collection

Silver Tower baddies
Gaunt Summoner, Ogriod Thaumaturge, Skaven AssassinsGrot ScuttlingsHorrors + AcolytesTzaangorsFamiliars,
Silver Tower Heroes
Sigmarite coreDwarf DoomseekerDarkoath Chieftain, Elves

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress
Janus Draik, Espern Lorcarno, Pious Vorne, Taddeus, Amalynn Shadowguide, Kravv'cha'to, Rein & Raus

Ur-Ghuls, Rogue Psykers, Sentry Drones, Obsidius Mallex & Black Legionnaires, Beastmen, Traitor Guard

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