
Monday, January 29, 2018

A Squall in the Dark - Kingdom Death Homebrew scenario (also, First Story + Antelope + Butcher)

With the first set of Kingdom Death expansions on the horizon, this seemed like a nice time to try introducing the first of some rules I've been developing for them.

Kingdom Death is the first full co-op board game I've gotten really seriously invested in, and, as co-op, it's something I feel a lot more comfortable homebrewing and house ruling, since it's easier to come to consensus rather than, say, a competitive one where it's easy to get a bias based on your favorite faction, character, etc.

However, I still have my pride in my work, and wanted to make something solid, so I've tested this scenario a few times with my gaming group, and I think this is the fourth iteration of it.

This is a Gorm variant on the First Story/tutorial scenario, and I've tested that it's definitely possible to play this slightly more restricted variant (visible in my Spamazonia campaign over in my session reports section).

Fair warning: It's a little more likely to kill you than the standard First Story vs. the White Lion.

If you play the scenario, please LMK what you think! I'm always interested in feedback (both positive and (constructively) negative).

Also, minis!

The intrepid explorers pictured above.

The White Lion, whom they abandoned to fight an uglier foe. While he had some alone time, he got some dental work done.

And the Gorm's good friend, the Screaming Antelope, another herd animal that seems to have become more carnivorous in its Kingdom Death version.

And finally, another of my charging Butchers, which I still think is the monster that most benefits from a dynamic pose. I thought I got the lighter bone pretty solid.

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