
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We can feel confident your so-called "biological crisis" is over? - Grendlr

Originally, this was going to be another OSL study, but, like so many experiments, it got out of control.

As aI started laying down the under colors for it, I thought I'd use a blue for its spines, which I liked so much that I decided that, instead of having a subtler color, I'd go strong with that. I was particularly happy with how the blue blended with the skin undercoat on some of the "scales", and I definitely want to try that again- I have some alien sculpts that could work well with that warm blue feel.

When I started doing the skin up, it originally looked a bit like some sort of lumpy easter egg, but the highlights gave it a lot of form. I started to work in some colored source lighting before I changed my mind and went back on this. I needed to blend back to the "natural" skin color, but that just added to the sense of discoloration, which I was quite happy with.

While working on the base, I had started the above source lighting, but when I decided against it, I couldn't get the area I'd started back to a natural grey, so I covered it up with the painted stripes.

Having gone this far, I pushed the red a little further than I normally would, and made those bits pop rather than remain subdued.

In the end, this isn't at all what I was going for, but it's probably the most colorful model I've painted that I'm happy with, so it gave me a lot of food for thought.

Oh, and kudos if you get the quote, it was quite a bit more obscure than usual...


  1. I'm back for a second look; might be painting mine soon. I think mine will be more metallic, but there is a lot to learn from this figure.

    Could the obscure quote be "Then we can feel confident your so-called "biological crisis" is over?"?

    1. Cool, thanks :)

      And, re: the quote, yeah, most of my post titles are quotes of varying obscurity- I more meant, where it's from (that would be the Andromeda Strain in this case)

  2. Lol, if knew the whole quote, I probably knew the source ;-)
