
Friday, March 31, 2017

The Vanguard - Code Zero Anazi Dynasty Scouts (including review)

I had a lot of fun painting this unit from Garage Gaming's new Code Zero line. It's always pretty cool working with new lines others haven't already explored, and you can't get much newer than currently crowdfunding.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Light Up the Knight - Kingdom Death Warrior of the Sun Pinup and Percival the Black Knight

I was pretty darn happy with how this repaint came out-- a slight conversion to turn her top into more of a sleeveless thing than a corset, but basically I just repainted the Warrior of the Sun.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

By the Book - gaunt Summoner and other Silver Tower Big Baddies

I love the look of the gaunt Summoner- he reminds me of mix of classic Chaos, GW's modern clean sculpting, and a splash or two of Del Toro puppets.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Hot-Blooded - Kingdom Death Butcher, Re-posed

My second re-pose for the Butcher, this guy was a pretty smooth conversion-- other than the jaw which I couldn't get open, this posing job went off nicely, since I didn't need to experiment. I shifted his weight a bit since the previous one, with an emphasis on having finished a swing rather than the lower thrust of my first one which was roaring.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Cold Steel - Kingdom Death Butcher

A quick one today, I've done a few Butchers at this point, but normally they've been warmer. This time I had a request for a more neutrally lit one, which, with all of the extinguished lanterns on its base, gave it a particularly bleak feel which, in my opinion, worked well with the static pose- it made him feel a bit lonely, despite the warm lanterns on his back.