Friday, August 26, 2016
The Six P's - Kingdom Death Strategy Guide
Okay, this is a bit of a weird one for me. I'm trying to write a tactics article about a game where you're fighting a cardboard computer instead of other players, and trying to not spoil anything. I guess that makes this my first strategy guide?
This will focus on the early game and some tips for planning ahead, because by the time you're through the mid-game, you'll be pretty well-versed in the system, so this is mostly about getting off the ground and setting up a strong settlement/hunting party.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Grumblins! - Silver Tower Scuttlings
A quick little post today, the Grot Scuttlings are some of the better-designed basically snap-fit models I've run across, in the tradition of GW making (IMHO) better board games than miniature games, when done right. I gave these guys a variety of blacks and browns to get a hodgepodge effect that I think mostly came across.